Our Work

Vaxtor ANPR

Fast, accurate, and adopted by industry leaders, Foresight Mobile's Android app and mobile SDK development propelled Vaxtor's ANPR technology to new platforms and customers.

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Android App Development, SDK Development
Kotlin, JNI
What we achieved
Technical discovery, Android app and SDK development

Automated Licence Plate Recognition

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve recently completed a Technical Showcase App and Android SDK for Vaxtor, a leading light in the field of automatic number plate recognition systems (ANPR).

The high performance Android app is offered free to potential customers and available on the Google Play Store here to allow them to see the ANPR technology in action. The SDK was developed with Foresight Mobile's mobile SDK development service, and is currently in-use by police forces, and parking providers, and we hope for more customers to join in future.


Given the hardware requirements around camera use and the target audience, the app and SDK was developed for native Android only using Kotlin and C++/NDK. There are a large number of options available to any customer, so we had to make the app configurable to take into account parameters such as location and location - specific number plate formats.

This being a phone camera-driven app, we also had to consider which smart phones would be suitable to use - so this wasn’t a simple project, by any means!  


The app was completed in February 2021 and the SDK is already available to customers. We’re really pleased with the end result, although we got a few raised eyebrows testing it by scanning cars in the office car park!

Project Execution

Vaxtor approached us to assist them with porting their on-camera software to Android and open-up the growing mobile ANPR market. They wanted an app to demonstrate the impressive technology to new customers as well as an SDK that could be integrated into existing apps to provide ANPR capabilities. We were quite astonished by the demos they had, showing number plates being recognised in milliseconds at simulated closing speeds of over 200 mph!


The project has been a huge success. The Android SDK that we developed has already been taken on by Spyglass to drive their new AI-powered mobile platform. We continue to support Vaxtor through their business development and integration activities as well as new feature development and improvements.

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