
Fractional CTO as-a Service

Whether you're looking for strategic oversight, technical expertise or leadership our Fractional CTO service drives value from within your business at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CTO.

Creating a digital product for your startup or business can feel like a daunting process. With an abundance of new and exciting technologies and a multitude of approaches, stakeholders and agencies the whole landscape can feel overwhelming.

A full-time CTO can be an expensive addition to your team, but with our Fractional CTO Service you get the guidance and support you need from our expert team for a fraction of the cost.

Our Fractional CTO will guide you through this technical landscape, providing the technical expertise and leadership you need to create a technology strategy that provides direct value to your business. 

Our commercially-focused CTOs have experience across a multitude of fields, and can take on the full spectrum of CTO services.

Do I need a Fractional CTO for my Startup?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, having a visionary at the helm of your technology strategy is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. For startups navigating the intricate world of AI, GPT, APIs and apps a Fractional CTO can be the guiding star

Whether you're building innovative digital products, streamlining your tech operations, or scaling your business, a Fractional CTO brings a wealth of experience and expertise at a fraction of the cost of a full-time executive. 

They not only drive technological innovation but also align it with your business goals to propel your startup forward. With their strategic oversight, you can make informed decisions, manage resources effectively, and stay ahead of the curve in the competitive market.

So, if you're aiming to transform your startup into a tech-savvy, market-leading enterprise, the answer is clear: a Fractional CTO is not just beneficial; it's essential for your journey ahead.

Here's what our Fractional CTOs can do to accelerate your startup

Our years of CTO experience across startups and large organisations provides the support and perspective you need to drive your business forward cost-effectively

Crisis Management and Problem Solving

We’re on hand at a moment’s notice to provide expert guidance in resolving critical technology issues, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.

Market Trend Analysis and Opportunity Identification

To stay abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends, our Fractional CTOs will advise on potential opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage

Budget and Resource Management

A close eye on technology budgets and resources will ensure an optimal allocation for maximum return on investment and operational efficiency.

Product Development and Oversight

We’ll oversee the development, launch and success of bespoke software and apps, ensuring alignment with market needs and quality standards.

Vendor and Stakeholder Management

Our experienced CTOs will help manage relationships with technology vendors and stakeholders, representing technology initiatives to investors and external parties as necessary.

Risk Management and Cybersecurity

We’ll ensure robust cybersecurity measures are in place to protect business data and systems, identifying and mitigating technological risks and ensuring compliance with UK & EU GDPR, the Data Protection Act and upcoming ePrivacy regulations.

Innovation and Value Creation

We drive innovation in your business using technology to increase company value, focusing on online and digital initiatives to enhance business operations and customer experience

Leadership and Team Guidance

Our leadership and mentorship for your in-house or offshore tech teams will foster a culture of innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness - across the whole business.

Strategic Technology Planning and Accountability

We’ll develop and implement a comprehensive technology strategy aligned with your business goals. Responsible for all technology-related decisions, overseeing technology teams and supplier relationships.


Pricing plans for every need

Looking for a custom support package to cover your back-end services or customer issues?

Please get in touch and we'll be happy to help

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Looking for a CTO?

Needs some text in here

Jack Walker

Cross Platform

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard

Gareth Reese

Cross Platform
Another Strength

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about

Fractional CTO Service

What's the difference between CTO as a Service and a Fractional CTO?

CTO-as-a-Service typically refers to a broader range of services provided by an external provider or a team, including both strategic and operational technology support. It can encompass everything from IT infrastructure management to software development oversight. A Fractional CTO, on the other hand, primarily focuses on providing strategic leadership and high-level guidance, tailored to the specific needs of the business.

When working alongside Foresight Mobile a Fractional CTO has access to all of the roles available to a full-service digital agency, such as QA, designers and Product Managers. As a result, hiring through Foresight can bring with it a vast array of skillsets at rates not normally available to freelance Fractional CTOs.

Why is a Fractional CTO more efficient than a full-time CTO?

Our Fractional CTOs offer a cost-effective solution for companies not requiring or unable to afford a full-time CTO. They bring specialised expertise, industry insights, and leadership on a flexible basis, aligning with the company's specific needs and budget. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for startups and SMEs looking for high-level tech guidance without the commitment of a full-time executive salary.

What's the difference between an Interim CTO and Fractional CTO?

An Interim CTO typically fills a temporary vacancy, often during a period of transition or until a permanent CTO is hired. In contrast, a Fractional CTO provides ongoing strategic leadership in a part-time or consultative role. They offer their expertise for a fraction of their time, making them ideal for startups or smaller businesses that need CTO services without the cost of a full-time CTO. Both Fractional and Interim CTOs are available through Foresight Mobile.

Can a Fractional CTO work remotely?

Of course! A Fractional CTO can work very well remotely, and our London customers can see significant cost savings when compared with staff based in the capital. This flexibility allows businesses to tap into top-tier tech leadership without geographical limitations. Remote Fractional CTOs can effectively manage technology strategies, lead remote tech teams, and communicate with stakeholders through digital platforms that don’t require face-to-face meetings.

Why do I need a CTO?

A CTO is crucial for any business looking to leverage technology for growth and efficiency. We bring a strategic vision for using technology to improve products and services, optimise operations, and stay competitive. Our CTOs ensure that your technology investments align with your business goals, provide expertise in product development and innovation, and guide the company through technological challenges.

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of a CTO?

Our Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) play a pivotal role in steering the technological direction of your company. This includes overseeing the research and development of new technologies, managing internal and external tech teams, and ensuring the company's technology strategy aligns with its business goals.

Our Fractional CTO will help with high-level product and infrastructure decisions, staying ahead of technology trends, and ensuring the cybersecurity and technological health of the organisation.

How much does a fractional CTO cost?

Our Fractional CTOs can range from £95 to £250 per hour depending upon experience. Like a good accountant however, a good CTO will save a business more than they charge in fees.

The level of engagement a Fractional CTO requires can vary between projects, but around 10-15% of the total development costs is pretty typical. As the size of your internal team grows these percentages generally come down as the CTO becomes more of an advisor and consultant, rather than handling the day-to-day aspects of building your service.


What our clients think

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"A team of great marketing experts"

“They’re more thoughtful than any other development team I’ve worked with..... I’m not sure what they could improve."

Mark Bryk
CTO, Prax

"The best marketing agency out there"

"The team has delivered exactly what we asked for but is able to use their own skill and judgment to make improvements"

Frederick Drapkin
CEO and Founder, Tenner

"One of the best marketing agencies"

"Foresight Mobile effectively and promptly met our needs. They were a candid, reliable, and collaborative partner."

Fumbi Kolawole
How We Work

The Foresight Mobile App Development Process

Your Vision, Our Expertise, A Collaborative Journey

At Foresight Mobile, we believe the best apps are born from a close partnership. Our collaborative app development process puts you in the driver's seat, ensuring your vision is at the heart of every decision, while our expertise guides you towards a successful launch and beyond.

Ready to Bring Your App Idea to Life?

Contact Foresight Mobile today and let's start building your vision together.

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Brain icon for explore and refine concept in App development

Ideation and Discovery
Laying the Foundation for Success

It’s your concept, your dream. We listen, we research and we recommend. We delve deep into your vision, target audience, and business objectives, transforming your initial idea into a clearly defined mobile app concept.

Our team analyses the competitive landscape, identifying opportunities and potential challenges to ensure your app stands out. With the key features outlined we created a detailed project roadmap.

Thorough planning and research are crucial for mitigating risks, ensuring a smooth development process, and maximising your app's chances of success.

Rocket icon for manage and deliver product in App development

User Experience (UX) and Design
Creating an Intuitive and Engaging Experience

A visually appealing and user-friendly interface is essential for user engagement and retention. Our in-house designers map-out the user journey, ensuring seamless navigation and an intuitive experience. We then design wireframes and mockups of the app's layout and interactions, allowing you to visualise the product and features. When we're all agreed on the main functionality we create high-fidelity interactive prototypes that you can test on a real device with real users.

A well-designed app not only looks great but also enhances user satisfaction. Our interactive prototypes help validate your ideas before we move on to development.

Graph icon for business growth in app development

Development and Testing
Building a Robust and Reliable App

Our team of skilled developers transform the design into a fully functional app, utilising cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. We also rigorously test the app to ensure that it is free from glitches or errors and works across a range of devices and screen sizes. Our detailed estimates and project management ensure that your app is delivered on-time and on-budget.

A high-quality, reliable app builds trust with users, enhances your brand reputation, and drives positive reviews and ratings.

Graph icon for business growth in app development

Launch and Support
Maximizing Your App's Reach and Impact

We guide you through the submission process, ensuring your app meets all requirements and regulations. We'll then work with you to create a tailored marketing plan that increases App Store visibility and drives downloads. We'll proactively monitor your app's performance, address any issues that arise, and collaborate with you on updates and enhancements.

A successful launch and ongoing support are vital for maximising your app's reach, generating revenue, and achieving long-term success.

Our Ethos

Why Work With Us

Your app, your way. Here's how we make it happen.

We take the guesswork out of app development. Our process begins with a comprehensive project plan and a transparent, fixed cost agreement. This ensures you know exactly what you're getting and how much it will cost, eliminating any unwelcome financial surprises. Regular progress calls with live demos give you a front-row seat to your app's development, keeping you informed and involved at every stage.

We're not just here for the build, we're here for the long haul. From navigating the App Store maze to providing ongoing technical support, we're with you all the way. Our expertise doesn't end at launch; we offer cost-effective maintenance plans and helpful guidance to ensure your app continues to thrive and evolve with your business. Your success is our success, and you can count on us every step of the way.

We believe the best apps are born from real user experiences. That's why user testing is at the core of everything we do. We involve real people from your target audience throughout the development process to ensure your app is intuitive, engaging, and truly meets their needs. Their honest feedback helps us to refine and enhance your app, resulting in a product that's not only user-friendly but loved by your users.

You know your business inside and out and we know how to make successful tech businesses. With years of hands-on CTO and app development experience, we're experts at understanding your needs and crafting innovative solutions that fit your budget and exceed expectations. Our collaborative process and hands-on prototyping ensure your final product isn't just an app – it's the realisation of your vision.

Our founder has been making mobile apps since 2003, before they were even called apps! Founded in 2017, we've got quite a few projects under our belt and a wealth of experience to call upon. Our core development team have been with us since the start, and one of the reasons we're considered the most experienced Flutter app development company in the UK.

We believe in the power of face-to-face collaboration. That's why we encourage you to visit us at our Manchester offices whenever you like. We're a friendly bunch, and we thrive on the energy and clarity that comes from an in-person chat. Building strong relationships is key to our collaborative approach, and we want you to feel comfortable dropping by for a brainstorming session, or just for a brew if you fancy.

Our Work

Our Successful CTO Engagements

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